Saturday, June 16, 2012

Addison's Birth Story!

*Side Note: My due date was August 11, 2011

August 2, 2011- I had been on maternity leave for 8 days. Going from a usually fast-paced job to hanging out at home all day, was starting to get boring. On this particular HOT Tuesday I was in probably the biggest cleaning mood I have ever been in. I cleaned our house from top to bottom! I even updated my Facebook status to a simple "cleaning, cleaning, cleaning!" I received several responses that said "nesting. nesting. nesting." Looking back it's humorous because I had several conversations that day, expressing how I didn't think Addison was coming soon or on her own... I just knew induction was in my future. I was getting very impatient. Several friends of mine were pregnant at the same time that I was, and they had already had their bundle of joys & were posting their cute pictures on Facebook. I was ready to meet my baby! Adam was working night shift in August, so I went to my parent's house to relax after my cleaning binge. We ate, watched a few shows, I took a small nap, and of course we snapped pictures of my big ole' belly. Around 10 that night I came home, propped my feet up and waited for my hubby to get home. We stayed up snacking (I remember I had a strawberry applesauce around midnight.) talking, and just hanging out. We went to bed around 1:00 AM.
August 3, 2011- At 2:00AM I woke up to use the restroom, which was nothing unusual for this pregnant chick. 3:50AM I woke up abruptly. I was about to pee. All over myself. I jumped out of bed and quickly got to our adjoining bathroom, as soon as I got in the bathroom my water broke. Not leaked, like flooded our bathroom broke. I said in a normal tone "Adam..." No response. Then I proceeded in a more anxious tone"Adam, water just broke!!" He jumped out of bed and our wild morning began. I called my mom to tell her & dad to get ready to go to the hospital. I told her not to rush because I was going to shower (I didn't want to have a baby looking & smelling like a cave woman. HA!.) All morning I never had any pain or contractions. After a quick shower, some light make-up & frantically getting last minutes things ready we were on our way!  We arrived at the hospital around 5 AM, where we checked in & the fun began! *Quick note: If you are a pregnant woman, every woman that has already went through child birth will want to tell you their "horror" story. I promise it's not that bad. Block out those horrible, painful stories.* There were: Dilation checks, IV's, monitors, paperwork, but nothing was really going on. Well when a woman's water breaks like mine did, you can't just hang out all day, there is too big of a risk of infection & even a dry birth. So they started me on the "Pit Drip." About 30 minutes later (probably around  10:30 AM) my contractions really started. My mom, dad, hubby, mother in law & step mother in law were in the room majority of the time. Braiding my hair, rubbing my feet, talking to me, etc. Fast forward a few more hours. I was hurting. My contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and lasting around 2 minutes each. I took advantage of the jacuzzi tub a couple of times. My last time in there, the nurse couldn't get the monitor to pick up Addison's  heart rate, so I got out of there quick. My main concern was her health & safety through the birth process. At 4 PM, the doctor checked me & I was ready to push! Everyone was told to leave except for my husband & mommy. Adam was rubbing my head and my mom was holding my right leg. I pushed for around 45 minutes & at 4:50 PM my whole world was born. Nothing will ever compare to the first time I saw her & heard her sweet little cry. After 13 hours of labor, Addison Kenley Bryant entered this world. She was 7 pounds, 15 ounces & was 22 inches of perfection.She is forever my heart. Here are just a few pictures from her birth! :) enjoy.

I'm a goof!
Daddy, just waiting!
Grandpa & Nana :)
Watching his girl get cleaned up.
She was about 2 minutes old here!
Look at that sweet little hand.
She's everything.
My little family. (Excuse my swollen face, labor & crying will do that to
My baby girl.
The two people who were in the room during her birth! :)
Grandpa & Addison!
All of them are so proud, so in love.
The sweetest baby in the whole world.
All cleaned up. (She was about 5 hours old here: ))
Born with a head full of hair!
<3 <3 <3

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