Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Time to start playing catch up.

I am the worst blogger. ever.

So, some stuff a lot has happened in the past few months. I plan on trying to get caught up---in future posts. Addison is growing like a weed (more on that tomorrow.) She also got tubes put in both ears on October 17th. Thank God everything went well and she is feeling awesome. 

November is a month of thanks. Because of this I am randomly, at the end of every blog going to tell something I am thankful for. As I was holding Addison tonight getting her to sleep, I couldn't help but cry. The love I have for her is like nothing else I have ever felt. I just held her and kept thanking God for her, for her health. I love everything about her. I love her chubby fingers, legs, belly, lips, eyes, hair, nose. every part. I love hearing her laugh, it is the most amazing sound. I love listening to her talk. She's a 15 month old who can tell you everything she wants. She says anything and everything (more on that tomorrow as well.) I love watching her walk, hop and run. I love watching her sleep and riding around with her the backseat. I love it all! To say I'm thankful for her is an understatement.

I'm going to be a better blogger. Promise :)